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About Us

We are a local organization that brings women together from all walks of life.  We recognize by coming together we can have a much greater impact on our community than we could ever have individually.  


How it Works 

  1. Members meet for one hour four times per year.   

  2. At these meetings, 3 local charities give a 5-minute presentation and 5-minutes for questions and answers. 

  3. Members commit to donating $100 each to that chosen charity. If a member is unable to attend, they will send a check with a trusted friend or mail their check directly. 

  4. Nonprofits fill out an application before the quarterly meeting. 

  5. Three names are drawn at random one week prior to each quarterly meeting. 

  6. Members all vote. Each team has 1 vote per team. The charity is chosen by popular vote. Majority rules. 

  7. Each member writes a check directly to the winning charity, regardless of their vote. 

  8. Two years after being selected by the group, charities can re-submit their names for consideration. 

Our mission at Power of 100 Women Lincoln County is to encourage, empower, and financially support local nonprofit organizations serving Lincoln County by giving 100% of funds raised by and awarded by membership vote.

Monthly Newsletter

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